Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

at jakarta

wohooo this is my 1st blog in jakarta since arrival date!
oh my gosh today im so tired and sleepy when i was in working place
i dont have any idea what should i do and everything is totally different from AUS
oh la la.. i must start from the beginning again =(
so tired lah~
the staff always bully me today, but it's ok bcoz it made the office situation feel better than keep quiet >.<
i hope i can adapt in this office on wards for my internship =S

Selasa, 30 November 2010


it's a big big day tomorrow!
awwww im so excited and also sad =(
how how how???
i must leave perth and babun T_T
so sad!! 2months is a long long long longggggg holiday!! =="
i hope i can stand in my internship place

tomorrow i will arrive at indo around 8.30!
so happy e.. at last i can shopping again with my mum =)
buy cheap2 thingy which is "sampah" in my room haha

babun!!! i hope we can do this LDR for a while ya ^^
if u say u can do it, i feel everything will be just fine
because i feel i get more power in our love hahaha
just to make sure u wont look for another girl >.< and i promise that i wont do it also yank..
love u oinkmo ♥

Selasa, 23 November 2010

counting down until 2month anniv! ♥

yeahh nothing to do again, and i am hungry =(
eating salad and skipped lunch was a terrible idea
because i suffer HUNGRINESS right now T-T
sooooo hungryyyy!!!!!!!!!! arghhh!!
should i eat? =S

and back to the title again
me and babun will be officially in a relationship for 2months tonight!
awwwwwwww so happy loh yank
we made it until 2months and hopefully will last longer =D
and i still dont have any idea what should i write down in the card e
hopefully i got an idea what to write yank
and good luck for ur LAST exam tomorrow! i will pray for ur success ^^

tomorrow the plan is going to
1. buy laptop
2. eat at shimizu grand!! hurray!!
3. sleep over at dedeng house

i am going to see what's on tomorrow!

Minggu, 21 November 2010

here we goooo~ come with me~

huahhh ni hr super duper dehh
misi "dim sum" akhirnya terpenuhi =D
wohoooo!! thx a lot utk STEVEN ADNAN for the treat! and happy bday again, mate!

ni hr kegiatan gw seperti biasa
jam 9 bangun trus cuci baju dan abis tu mandi + vacum ruma + k gereja
nah bedanya ni hr ada session membangunin si babun!
padahal jelas2 dy sudah bangun, masi manja mo minta ditelfon. kangen ama maminya ya?

menurut ramalan cuaca hr ni ada THUNDERSTORM! tp manaaa?!!?!!
uda ditunggu2 tp ga nongol2, ni hr masi aja super puanas deh
katanya si citro ni hr ga jadi thunderstorm, ditunda sampe besok
emangnya tu thunderstorm apaan e sampe kena delay gtu? hahaha =="

Selasa, 02 November 2010

I am so hot *WG song played*

aarghhh!!! why why why?
why why why it's hot right now now now!!
Is summer already here yet?
Today I was working at utopia garbo, and the situation always the same
it's only 200 cups sold out even tough the weather is almost killing me *lebay*
I have laid on my bed since 8.30pm (already past 1.5hours) with this half dead condition haha.
I can called myself a "steamed pork". It's well done guys! who want to eat?
I can serve myself as a food.
I wanna eat ice cream again, but i feel guilty to eat. because i am telling myself to go on diet. Gaining weight is not a happy situation for me!! it feels like i have a tummy like doraemon, u know that japanese cartoon right? =S

this weather everyone must be patient, because people can get angry easily
hot (outside/weather) + hot (inside/unhappy mood) = SUPER DISASTER! (O__O)....
another reason why I hate summer is the SUN and flies!
the sun always wakes me up everyday around 6! because the sun is rise faster than other season.
FLIES!!! I HATE IT.. who loves it? i hope nobody loves it =="
the most annoying and terrible animal
Flies in Australia are really dangerous, because it will always get close to people who smells nice (especially people who just take shower).
They will fly to nose hole, and around lips to steal your kiss (awww.. too bad ur 1st kiss with flies lol)

I just wanna share my HOT day to u guys or me in the future.
btw it's still 22 degree maximum for today, but i dont know how can i survive at up north last feb. the weather was worst than here

Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

me love you ♥

i really falling in ♥ with you babun!
Babun = babi buncit, it's the nick name that I made for my boyfriend =)
he has a tiny tummy that full of fat, i love to play with it and the same with him to play my tummy =S
It's already 1month 1week past since our 1st day we became in a relationship status
awww i really like when he said "i love you"
it makes me suddenly cry, and makes me wanna say that word again from the deepest of my heart =D
i truly falling deeply in love with you, jet ♥
I really hope that you are gonna be my FIRST and LAST boyfriend that I can have.
and hopefully so do you

I will describe him a bit
He is the youngest kid but he has a mature side in his personality, so I can be a spoiled girl haha.
btw he is younger than me 1 year, and he loves me to act really cute and sing
i really embarrassed when he ask me to sing, i dont know why I should be embarrassed to him
so sorry yank, I really cant sing in front of u except when I am on hyper condition or there is some1 accompany me sing a song~
he really loves me and he wants me to be there with him all the time; but we rarely meet because he is too busy with university stuff + part time job and i am working also meh
It really a happy moment if we meet, i wont be shy to everyone if i hug him.
because i really totally miss him at that time
and yet there is a problem, i will go away from perth for 2months for internship in Indonesia
I am sad bcoz i will leave him in Perth. awww babun!!! can u wait for me 2months?
when we are on "rindu2" session today, he said that "what will happen if suddenly i am falling in love with another guy in indo?"
I am so shocked and almost cried out loud that i want to prove him that i want this relationship can last longer even tough there are a lot of obstacles on our way

and in conclusion, i just wanna say
I REALLY ♥ YOU and I wont let go anything or anyone break us apart of a silly thing
good night baby, luv u so much muachhhhh =D


Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010


yah terkadang hidup ga bakalan berjalan sesmooth yg kita rencanain
ada aja kejadian dimana kita merasa smua berjalan sesuai rencana n harapan
tapi apa yg terjadi? sesuatu mengacaukan smuanya
oh well, this is life; that everything can happen unpredictable
who knows?
we only can hope and pray a lot that everything is according to plan
I dont know why suddenly i wanna type this,
maybe bcoz of some problem that is faced by my friends
I know love is too complicated and a lot of obstacles inside it
no matter what has happened you must face it or u will lose it for nothing
so this is for u (whoever feel falling in love)

Dear friend,
I just wanna tell you that real love is something that need immolation and time
Be aware that maybe ur true love is someone who is next to u
Dont hide everything; just be the way u are
dont be such a fake person to be loved by somebody
ur true love will love u whatever you are; and he/she will fix that unperfect thing with you


Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

FULLY in love ♥♫

aww what should i say yah..
i think i'm super duper in love with you bun =)
it has been 1 week and 1 day since that date 24th september
1st time i think only 1 sided love, but HAPPILY it's not; we are both in love to each other but we are afraid of something that already happened in the past.
the more i think about you, the more i miss you right now =(
i think it's true that we are on honeymoon stage in a relationship haha; we just met yesterday, but we already miss each other the day after
SUPER LOVE YOU BABUN!!! i hope u love me like i do, and i love you like you do ♥

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

bored bored bored

can i call it the most boring weekend?
YES definitely super correct!
hishhh! Almost 1 week i havent met my friends. do people change? or just me who already changed into a work-a-holic person?
I really super duper miss my friends =(
I wanna spend time together with them at city, at some1 house or even somewhere where we can have chit chat of nonsense for a long time.

This week was my busiest week that I ever had since I worked in Utopia, because there is no enough staff to work.
I really hate the boss. How can he keep opening branch if there is no staff can take a rest.
And this is the result *jreng jreng*
I am sick now and cant go anywhere until i recover! =="
super duper hate it!
aaaa!! i wish i can go out with my friends on weekend, because i wanna talk a lot since we havent met for a week

the next question for myself is

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

hmm hr ini gw uda dapet sms dr nyokap 2kali
agak shock tp gw perlu pertimbangkan sih
abisnya ttg gw dan idup gw slanjutnya
apa gw bener2 hrs relain PR gw and gw lanjut study di beijing?
atoo gw tetep nunggu PR sampe lolos trus gw baru pergi k beijing?
aje gileee ribet abis sihhhh
i wish life wont be as complicated as this! =(

sayang sih dipikir2 klo gw hrs k cina
abisnya gw hrs buang duit banyak banget
1. mobil gw kan perlu dijual lagi.. shippo!! i dont wanna lose u =(
2. biaya PR ama agent nya sih diitung2 5000
mateekkk banyak abisss duit ngalir
agak ga enak sih ama bonyok
umur uda sgini tp belom bisa dapetin pendapatan yg bisa buat mereka bangga ama gw
i think GOD save the best for the last, so better be patient
huhuhu.. betapa sedihnya hatiku
pilek dan batuk melanda
berasa pengen tidur melulu skr =(
mana sepi lagi msn, biasa deh jaman2nya anak2 exam
kadang kangen loh masa2 bljr under pressure gtu, trus dikejer2 assignment,
kesel ama group mate, bosen dngerin guru ngoceh, ngomel2 hrs kelas pagi,
ngomel2 kelasnya kemaleman, makan siang rame2 ama temen2
arhghhh klo diinget2 tuh buat mikir kalo gw skr uda tamba TUA!
oh shit dah! umur bertambah tp pikiran gw kayaknya kind of too childish.
Dan sampe skr ga ketemu kerjaan yg steady lagi =X.. kapaannn gw bisa dapet kerjaan di kantorann?!?!!?!?!!
gileee gw uda cukup eneg kerja di utopia dg gaji minim but big pressure especially cant sit down ckck

dann penyakit gw memperburuk suasana
uda capek 1badan, ehh ditamba suara serak + idung mbeler kayak kran air +_+
ga tau dah gw uda brp lama ga ketemu temen2 gerombolan gw
kayaknya gara2 sakit + kerja mulu gw jrg ketemu mereka
ada sih perasaan kesepian tp mau ga mau hrs diem di rumah
masa gw mau nyebar2in penyakit
dg konsepnya si citro "SHARING IS CARING", makanya hrs berbagi penyakit ckckck

dah ah gw k kamar dulu
mau istirahat alias membabi time =(
i hope i will get better soon!

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

no voice

pengalaman pertama di perth dimana gw keabisan suara
totally annoying!
mgkn ini gara2 non stop kluar n ga bisa diem di rumah dari minggu kmrn
kena batunya dehhh
rasanya the most important thing tu missing

kayak tadi noh pas di utop
pagi2 sih gpp
tp pas uda mau jam 12
suara gw mulai ilang =.="
si cc suru gw minum tea pake lemon n honey
sumpeh dehhh GA ENAK ABISS!
asem abissss trus gw minum yg panas soalnya biar cepet sembuh
menderitanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa keilangan suara
mau ngo "thank you" k customer aja ga bisa T-T
panggil nomer minuman pun ga bisa
betenyaaa bukan mainnnn!! =(
akhirnya gw suru anak2 yg kerja laennya utk panggilin nomernya
mana tadi ramenya bukan maen
ni tangan luka smua sampe ga berasa lagi
trus gw beli sushi pun akhirnya ga kemakan sampe jam gw plg
rasanya ini hr super capeeeekkk dahh =.="
entah dah nasib gw bgimana di bbrp hr kedepan di utopia
smoga aja gw keterima di kerjaan yg lbi sesuai ama gw and situasinya friendly plus better salary of course

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010


uda lama ga ketik2 lagi haha~
bosan sih ga, ngantuk sih iya
ni hari gw bener2 capek banget, soalnya knapa?
ditanya kenapa

pagi2 jam 07.00 uda bangun trus matiin alarm snooze sampe jam 7.25,
trus menuju pojok merenung.. tp sang "pup" tak kunjung keluar (pagi2 uda bete urusan ini)
lanjut deh mandi dan kawan2
sampe akhirnya gw sampe di UTOPIA barrack street jam 9.11
gw lsg masak CS + RS (hanya org2 yg perna k utop yg tau lol), nah ini ni yg plg gw takut masak sago sisa kmrn.. sampe si cc akhirnya dtg sesuai janjinya kmrn, katanya mau liat sago nya masi bagus ga dipake buat pagi2

trus pas buka toko, ada org indo cowo
gile imut tampangnya.. dy order trus snyum2
eh si cc nyeletuk "din., itu temen u? kok senyum2 ksini ya?"
gw lsg ngo k cc "ce, org INDO ituuu!"
si cc lsg nyumput hahahaha..
gileee pasti malu abis dehh cc td lol

hr ini ga tau knapaaaa banyak abis yg order coconut
padahal kan ga enak soalnya creamy2 bgimanaaaa gtu
ngo2 ga enak, td ada org beli bbt yg super aneh
ga enak abis rasanya, sampe gw suru jasmine coba.. trus tampang jasmine uda ga enak abis hahahaha..
diperhatiin sama jasmine trus itu org sampe tu org minum bbt nya. lol

oh yeee gw dapet kenang2an dr utop lagi nehh
tangan gw kena cipratan air panas utop.. sialan abis dah >=(
mau marah ya percuma, masa marah ama air kan nonsense n oon banget
aaah!! pasti tu ngebekas lagi
dahh relain tu kenang2an kayak tattoo di lengan kanan gw

sekian cerita hari ini
lanjut kapan2 deh hahaha

fav song

Way To Love -Saigo No Koi- Feat. Miho Karasawa

Eventhough I'm selfish
Now I want to tell you
this feeling

Being selfish on my own
but I want to see you now
because I'm in the middle of falling in love

because of being hurt by your past love
you couldn't trust other people
and I feel the same way as you do
but you are different
you are glowing
I am afraid by the feeling in my heart
that I will repeat the mistake of hurting you
but I want to be by your side

this soft feeling is flowing
(your heart that wavers at first is slowly opening up)
the feeling of noise of the city is resonating
(feel so good)

Being selfish on my own
but I want to see you now
I couldn't wait for tomorrow
It is strange
Gazing up at the open sky
I am assured
I am in the middle of falling in love

Teasing friends always said
"the two of you look good together"
but in the end we ended up as friend
I was supposed to feel relieved about it
but since when
both of us
during all these time we spent together
I felt the feelings I've never had before
when we are together
yeah sing it

weird rhythm is wrapping in
(always been looking for the one
unknowingly you've been infront of me)
Feeling different for the first time
(my real feelings is)

I just wanna keep on loving you always
(always all about you)
this clumsy feelings
happiness alone is sad
(I want to tell you this feeling)
warmth of this soft feeling
I want to treasure it
when I'm falling for the last love

I want to see you
let me stay near by your side
when looking at the sky
(the time you come to me
I won't ever let go of this love
baby girl I wanna see you right now)

Eventhough I'm selfish
Now I want to tell you
this feeling

I just wanna keep on loving you always
(always all about you)
this feelings that I can't get through to you
but deep inside words are overflowing
(feelings that I want to tell you)
tight hugs and kisses
(again and again)
I want to feel it more
the night when I fall for the last love

I am in the middle of falling in love...

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

17march 2010

akhirnya sekian lama stop di dunia blog, gw mulai ketik2 lagi
mumpung bisa dijadiin diary gtu loh utk dimasa tua hahaha
geloo uda ga berasa ternyata uda 1bulan lebih gw uda menyandang status bachelor of commerce yg belon diresmikan ama curtin di depan public.
dan gw masi aja stuck kerja di utopia
tempat dengan gaji terkutuk tp suasana kerja super enak abis!
tp lumayan lah utk menutupi expense si perut ini haha

ni hr ga tau knapa gw super duper gampang kelaperan!
oh tidakkk
misi pengurusan badan di kluarga tarattu family bakalan batal klo bgini mah ceritanya
dan kebiasaan buruk setelah dr up north
  • ga betahan di rumah sndiri
  • ga enak klo ga makan rame2
  • ga nikmat klo ga ngobrol rame2
  • ga nyaman klo pas bangun pagi sepi tanpa teriakan
dan akhirnya ampir tiap ari pergi terus dehhh~
slalu makan bareng hahaha.. kapan kurusnya ini mah

hari ini rencana diet hampir aja tercapai
makan 2kali 1hr
  • jam 11 makan pagi + siang (org sini ngomongnya brunch = brekkie + lunch)
  • jam 5 sore
btw menu makannya sama loh
nasi + sizzling tofu + pare
what a nice combination hahaha
tp apa pun klo laper emang enak sih
nasi ama kecap pun bisa jadi enak *btw nasi ama ikan asin enak abis lohh!!*
SEMOGA diet berjalan lancar!! wish me luck guys!

duhh seneng abis deh ni hr gw uda menunaikan kewajiban2 gw
  • rapihin baju yg blon disetrika + nyetrika
  • lap2 mobil
  • asuransiin mobil
  • maen suikoden sampe ngantuk
gw belon sms or telf bonyok buat laporan lagi ttg biaya asuransi
tp kayaknya mereka sih dont mind biaya nya klo dibawah 1000bucks

gile2.. kayaknya gw hrs membiasakan diri buat jadwal kegiatan deh
banyak abis yg harus dilakuin besok =(
  • bangunin mami jam 07.30 *semoga gw kebangun ya*
  • bayar asuransi + ngo tanggal lahir tante gw salah haha hrsnya bln 08 bukan 10
  • ambil medical check up punya test
  • kerja di utopia jam 13.00-18.00
abis itu ga tau deh.. klo ada yg ajak late nite shopping ya ayok
klo ga ada ya uda deh diem di rumah lagi
soalnya jumat hrs kerja rodi dr jam 10.30 di utop
gw pikir non sense abis utop itu $1 bubble tea.. sdangkan mineral water aja $2.5 (yg botol)
bisa2 semua org kencing manis deh itu org2
and i wish there wont be any1 who will buy 30 OR 40 cups again
stress abis manggilin satu2 =.=

sekian dulu deh
gw mau lanjut chatting lagi hahaha
klo bosan baru lanjut lagi

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

i like it~ you like it~ we like it like it

I think it's time for us to be honest
I want you to vibe withme, 'cause you know how I
I like it, you like it, we both like it like it 3x
I like it, youlike it, yeah yeah yeah yeah

Dari dulu aku tahu aku lebih suka begini
Bukan boneka, bukan bunga,
Bukan hal-hal yang merah muda
Ku memilih untuk bersama teman teman lelakiku

Tiada yang bisa mengganggu
Karna semua pasti menjagaku
Sampai akhirnya ku bertemu denganmu
Yang merubah caraku memandang dirimu

Ah ah, aku wanita ingin dicinta... Aku bukan teman lelakimu
Ah ah, aku wanita ingin dicinta... Aku bukan teman lelakimu
OOh.. ooh.. ku bisa jadi orang kau cinta
OOh.. ooh.. bukan hanya teman yang kau suka

Baby it's on... you and me bagai sepasang balon
yang dilepas ke udara tanpa ada pohon
yang menghalangi...

we're couple yang ga banyak bilang kata i love you
Being with you bahagianya tiada kata...haha
Kata cekcok awalnya kita cocok
Pagi siang malam sampai uuuuh... ayam berkokok-kokok

Ah ah, aku wanita ingin dicinta
Aku bukan teman lelakimu
Ah ah,aku wanita ingin dicinta
Aku bukan teman lelakimu
Ah ah, aku wanita ingin dicinta
Aku bukan teman lelakimu
Ah ah, aku wanita ingin dicinta

Ah aku tahu kau temanku
Tapi tak bisa ku bohongi hati

Hey..It's ok
Karena ey you my cinderella say..
Ela e..e..eee... hahaha

Tapi asal kau tahu, kalau kau suka aku
Aku wanita yang extraordinary untukmu
Kini pegang tanganku (heeeyyy)
Di depan temanmu (heeeyy)
Biar semua tahu kita ada sesuatu

Back to Reff:

OOh.. ooh.. ku bisa jadi orang kau cinta
OOh.. ooh.. bukan hanya teman yang kau suka
Being with you bahagianya tiada kata... haha
I like it, you like it, we both like it
I like it, you like it, we both like it

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

another days

setelah sekian lama vacum didunia per"blog"an, akhirnya tiba saatnya lagi utk ngeblog lagi deh =)
bosannya malam ni
sbnernya sih masi ada kerjaan ngerangkum
tp kok rasanya belon dapet moodnya utk buat
lagian ni uda ampir jam stnga 2 (waktu perth)

kemaren lumayan have fun seharian kecuali pada saat gw digosipin ama 'ntu'
one of the group member tp ga bs dibilang group member sih
susa dah dijelasinnya LOL

yeah kmaren tgl 4jan
dimulailah masa2 dimana gw hrs NGULANG yg namanya pelajaran FINANCE portfolio management
seperti pengalaman sebelon2nya
itu pljrn emang super boring abis
2 1/2 jam di kelas seperti di neraka, mana istirahat cuma 10 menit
mana berasaa!!
qta pikir 1st class will get the priority of the teacher
well.. as you can see from my point of view di atas, gurunya membosankan
tp mau diapain lagi kan ya
memang takdir itu kejam, sekejam silet! ups salah.. maksudnya sekejam ibu tiri~
tuh kelas kayaknya kelas yg plg banyak indonya utk ukuran kelas tutorial
ada 10 org bok termasuk gw yg dari Indo
memang curtin itu kampus indo hahaha~
akhirnya perjalanan di lanjutkan pergi k airport
gile panas abis ntu hari
kabarnya sih 39derajad.. berasa dikukus di dalam mobil .. kesannya kayak hakao di dim sum tuh
uda enak dimakan empuk2 dan hangat wkwkwk
setelah jmput maya akhirnya qta k utop n icey ice..
memang klo uda summer itu tuh tempat tongkrongan paleng UENAK!
biasa qta bertukar gosip karena qta emang tkg gosip
apalg gw uda dijulukin BIGOS (thx to kama atas julukannya)

malemnya dimulai ajang dimana banyak org yg online
dan org yg annoying uda diblock dulu supaya gw bisa online dengan selamat huahaha
trus si kama oon dan belaga kebanyakan pulsa mau dnger cerita dg gaya lebay gw
eh pulsanya abis dalam wkt krg dr 1menit
gw ampe ketawa sndiri
memang susah ya klo telf internasional
roamingnya gede abis

Hari ini (harusnya sih kmrn tp gpp deh baru lewat 1/2 jam doang =P )
gw dibangunin nyokap jam 08.40ies
gw masi super ngantuk gara2 chat ama kama, ali, dadar sampe jam stnga 2
teler dehh akhirnya pagi2, badan berasa berat utk bangun dr ranjang
akhirnya ampir jam 11 qta pergi k good sammy
toko tongkrongan nyokap gw.. astaga dah ye.. gw sampe jamuran nunggu nyokap pilih baju,clana, scarf
untung abis gw nemuin clana buat adek gw merknya ripcurl n ecko lagi.. ckck
so lucky you ah..
abis itu gw berasa kayak santa bawa2 barang gtu.. malu sih sbnernya tp nyokap gw dont care and she looks very happy, gara2 bisa dapet baju murah dan banyak huahaha
and she doesnt care itu 2ndhand punya barang.. memang ya susah nyesuaiin keinginan ortu yg aneh2 =X

sorenya anak2 ngumpul d ruma gw
1.dadar n angela
2.ali n ngkong
4.citro, cheryl n maya
mobil bejejer d ruma gw.. berasa kayak kondangan aja huahaha soalnya mobilnya pada nutupin jalan k ruma
wuh2 pengalaman pertama liat mobil temen2 gw berjejer rapih XD
abis itu lanjut k ruma bob
beuh dahsyat abis bomb gas kulkas d rumahnya bob
alamaaaaaaaaakkk! mgkn klo org buka kulkas n bediri di depannya selama 1/4 jam bisa pingsan tuh =.="

sekian dulu dah ceritanya
nanti siang lanjut lagi
mata gw uda super berat 3_3