Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

sharing something that I couldnt share with some1

This relationship will pass 11 months in this month
But I dont feel like our relationship bcoming close enough, it feels like I was in long distance relationship.
He feels like very busy with his own life and study life.
I should be matured up my feeling, the first relationship but it hurts so much bcoz I only feel that he doesnt care about my life or my condition right now.
Yesterday I was crying but I didnt say to him, i only said that I was in flu condition
I know he doesnt have any time to spend with me right now.
but he said to me that he is in rush of assignment deadline, and he feels uncomfortable that one of his girlfriends insist him to come to her bday party.
He never did that to me!!!!
am i really important person to him? or im just for his status?
my heart feels like wanna explode and dont know how to face it.
I just stay calm and I hope everything will become better.
I know I cant control this feeling, i am too selfish to have him on my own.

NIGHTMARE 2days in a row


Ok I start with the first one
It was happened last week on Tuesday maybe
The scene was about my pre-wedding photo shot
dah pake indo aja biar lebih menggebu2 hahahaha
Gw kaga inget sama skali muka2 mereka (dari temen gw, tuh hantu cewe, ama calon suami gw)
Pokoknya scene nya tu kayak di hutan, soalnya mau natural photoshot gtu, kan kliatannya keren tu ijo2 trus pake baju wedding/baju pesta warna merah. cerahhhh gitu deh kliatannya
nahhhh kan pas qta lg explore daerahnya, ada salah satu team photographernya dan itu temen gw video-in ya apa pencarian daerah photoshotnya.
rencananya mau dibuat di videonya gitu dari before n after the wedding party.
Trus sampe deh diklimaks nya dimana pas temen gw tunjukin videonya ke gw, ada satu scene dimana gw lg saling tatap mata ama 1 cewe di hutan itu.
dan seinget gw n temen gw yg video-in tu NONE except our crew =="
HERANNYA kok bisa pas gtu hadap2an plus tatapan mata dari jauh.
akhirnya kita coba cari tau itu siapa sebenernya
dan akhirnya temen cowo gw ngo klo itu ex- nya cowo gw dan uda lama meninggal
pas dy meninggal masi suka ama cowo gw + dy masi dendam gara2 diputusin
makanya mgkn arwahnya masi gentayangan.
WHAT THE HELL?!!??!?! yeah i was realize it was a dream but i couldnt wake myself and remain in that dream =="
and in the morning I just felt speechless and told every1 about my weird dream and some1 told me to make a novel or horror movie with it hahahahhaa

There was another scary dream =="
I didnt know what have happened to me
maybe I am too tired from working, that's why I could dream anything
Yah ini lokasinya di skolahan high school gitu
Dan itu lokasinya kayaknya bukan di Indo deh soalnya ga smuanya org indo tp ada bbrp org indo disana daaaannnn seperti biasa kaga inget muka siapa pun di dalam mimpi pas bangun hahhahaha
pokoknya tu gw mau kencing dan wc cuma ada di level 5 + 3
tp wc level 5 tu super pojok dan menyeramkan makanya kaga berani pipis sndirian =="
scara kayaknya mndung2 ga jelas gtu
akhirnya gw mikir mau ke lantai 3
pas sampe lantai 3 gw puter2 sampe cape sndiri tp ga ketemu toiletnya dimana
dann akhirnya gw coba liat lg bener ga sih ini lantai 3
whaaaattt??!?!?!?!?!!!! so where did i go down to?

ok thats all for my stories hahahaha
the other dream is about I was in runningman show and must find a clue in ring store
the faces were the same with the real runningman show
it's kind of tiring dream bcoz i need to run ckck