Selasa, 02 November 2010

I am so hot *WG song played*

aarghhh!!! why why why?
why why why it's hot right now now now!!
Is summer already here yet?
Today I was working at utopia garbo, and the situation always the same
it's only 200 cups sold out even tough the weather is almost killing me *lebay*
I have laid on my bed since 8.30pm (already past 1.5hours) with this half dead condition haha.
I can called myself a "steamed pork". It's well done guys! who want to eat?
I can serve myself as a food.
I wanna eat ice cream again, but i feel guilty to eat. because i am telling myself to go on diet. Gaining weight is not a happy situation for me!! it feels like i have a tummy like doraemon, u know that japanese cartoon right? =S

this weather everyone must be patient, because people can get angry easily
hot (outside/weather) + hot (inside/unhappy mood) = SUPER DISASTER! (O__O)....
another reason why I hate summer is the SUN and flies!
the sun always wakes me up everyday around 6! because the sun is rise faster than other season.
FLIES!!! I HATE IT.. who loves it? i hope nobody loves it =="
the most annoying and terrible animal
Flies in Australia are really dangerous, because it will always get close to people who smells nice (especially people who just take shower).
They will fly to nose hole, and around lips to steal your kiss (awww.. too bad ur 1st kiss with flies lol)

I just wanna share my HOT day to u guys or me in the future.
btw it's still 22 degree maximum for today, but i dont know how can i survive at up north last feb. the weather was worst than here

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